• 8.3

    The Sadness

    Berant Zhu,Regina Lei,Ying-Ru Chen,Tzu-Chiang Wang,Tsai Chang-Hsien,Lan Wei-Hua,Chi-Min Chou,Ralf Chiu,Lueh-Geng Huang,Jacky Liu,Kass Tsai

  • 8.8
  • 9.0



  • 8.7

    Error semántico: la película

    Semantic Error: The Movie

  • 9.0

    Llegaré A Ti

    Kimi ni todoke

  • 9.3


    Ahn Seo-hyun,Tilda Swinton,Paul Dano,Jake Gyllenhaal,Lily Collins,Steven Yeun,Devon Bostick,Byun Hee-bong,Yoon Je-moon,Shirley Henderson,Daniel Henshall,Giancarlo Esposito,Choi Woo-shik,Sheena Kamal,Michael Mitton,Colm Hill,Kathryn Kirkpatrick,Jose Carias

  • 8.5


    Bae Sung-woo,Sung Dong-il,Jang Young-nam,Kim Hye-jun,Cho Yi-hyun,Kim Kang-hoon,Jeon Mi-do,Kim Se-hee,Ji Dae-han,Kim Gwi-seon,Son In-yong,Lee Jang-won,Kwon Ji-hwan,Kim Min-sik,Yun Ki-chang,Lee Kyu-bok,Jung Yun-ha,Seo In-gwon,Kwon Ip-sae,Ronnie Henares,Joel

  • 7.4


    Bae Sung-woo,Sung Dong-il,Jang Young-nam,Kim Hye-jun,Cho Yi-hyun,Kim Kang-hoon,Baek Yoon-sik,Oh Dae-hwan,Jeong Yun-ha,Jeon Mi-do,Kim Se-hee,Ji Dae-han,Seo In-gwon

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